A downloadable game for Windows

Vertical slice game project for COMP3150 2023 at Macquarie University.

It's a Living is a sandbox-style first person platformer where you save the spirits of lost dogs by shooting high-velocity doggy treats at them, then collecting their little doggy souls once they're suitably happy. Use your environment by running on walls and bouncing through the air to collect all the puppers as fast as possible, finishing the level as fast as you possibly can to get the best score.

Can be played using  Keyboard+Mouse or controller. NOTE: menu options must be clicked using the mouse.

Greta Ward
Richard Garth
Zac Hyslop
Katelyn Bell

Third party assets used for development

Concrete Footstep - pixabay https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/concrete-footsteps-6752/
Whining Dog - pixabay https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/whining-dog-6110/
Dog Barking Once - mixkit https://mixkit.co/free-sound-effects/dog/
Button - pixabay https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/button-124476/
Boing - pixabay https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/boing-spring-mouth-harp-04-20-13-4-103346/
Powerup! by Jeremy Blake https://youtu.be/l7SwiFWOQqM
Uplifting Energy by Mixaund | https://mixaund.bandcamp.com/ Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com"
MMCC sound effects library  https://mmcc.mq.edu.au/mmcc3045/sounds.php
Whip Whoosh - Sound Effects Maker https://youtu.be/_d-SgH9IcZg

Coding tutorials:
Wallrunning - Dave/GameDevelopment https://www.youtube.com/@davegamedevelopment
Light effects - Brackeys https://youtu.be/NiOGWZXBg4Y

Low Poly Fruit - Rem Storms https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/food/low-poly-fruit-pickups-98135
Simple Dogs - synty studios https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/animals/mammals/simple-dogs-...
POLYGON  Western Frontier pack - synty studios https://syntystore.com/products/polygon-western-frontier-pack
POLYGON Nature pack - synty studios https://syntystore.com/products/polygon-nature-pack


It's a Living.zip 95 MB

Install instructions

For Windows, unzip the files and open 'It's a Living.exe'.